STATUS: In development



After the deaths of your four oldest siblings, taken from you by war, your older sibling, Nour, once fifth in line for the Solar Imperial throne, is now the heir. 

This day never should have happened. 

As recompense for the ravages your kingdom’s war has inflicted upon the Lunar kingdom of Celestyl, and as assurance it will not happen again, your sibling is to be sent to Celestyl to marry the Lunar King’s heir. An arranged marriage, meant to unite the kingdoms. Or, at least that’s how everyone prefers to phrase it. But you all recognize this for what it really is: a guise. Your sibling will be a political hostage.

And—Theia, grant you guidance—you have had a premonition this is not the worst to come. Should your sibling go to Celestyl, they will not survive.

So you will take their place.

Stygian Sun: Total Eclipse is a dark fantasy interactive fictional story where you play as the sixth child in the proud and grandiose Solar Imperial Dynasty and leave your homeland for a foreign country, where you will take your sibling’s place in an arranged marriage to the heir to the Lunar Kingdom. But something sinister simmers on the horizon—you have felt it in your premonitions; apprehension crawls beneath your skin, foreboding pricks at the back of your neck, dread sinks low and heavy in your stomach. Theia is warning you—of what, you know not, but you have seen the way the Lunar King looks at you. His stare, the dagger, and you, the sacrificial lamb on the altar.  Beware the wolf, little lamb.

Content Warnings: "Stygian Sun: Total Eclipse" contains many upsetting themes, such as arranged marriage, child abuse, child neglect, death, murder, violence, gore, sexually suggestive scenes, optional sexual content, suicidal ideations, and more. "Stygian Sun: Total Eclipse" is intended for mature audiences 18+. Viewer discretion is advised.


  • Customize your MC's name, gender, pronouns, appearance, personality, and sexuality. Play as straight, gay, lesbian, bi, poly, or asexual.  MC intro post here.
  • Shape your personality through your choices and see how it affects dialogue with other characters.
  • Navigate through the difficulties of court life in a foreign country.
  • Develop your magic—powers bestowed upon you through your divine bloodline.
  • Romance one or more of five romantic options, including your betrothed, the Lunar heir; your charming and overly flirtatious retainer; your acolyte, a priestess in training; a kind yet darkly mysterious Celestylian noble; or a peculiar and chaotic mage.
  • Develop deep and lasting friendships or make enemies.
  • Uncover a sinister plot that threatens everything you hold dear—and decide what you will risk to protect it.


Nour al’Teia, your older sibling. (Gender dependent on MC’s.) Non-RO Once fifth in line for the Solar Imperial throne, Nour was perfectly content to play a supportive role to Parim, first in line, and the rest of their siblings. Now first in line for the throne, Nour is doing their best to step into a role they were never prepared to fill. Despite their best attempts to reassure you, you can tell this weighs more heavily on them than they let on.

Luca Lupine, your childhood friend. (Gender Selectable. She/her. He/him.) Non-RO Your childhood friend who, at the age of 13, perished in a fire, consumed so completely you were left with not even a body to mourn. Ever since then, whether as a manifestation of your guilt and grief, through some connection beyond the planes of life and death, or through some other means unbeknownst to you, they appear in your dreams, aiding you in parsing through visions and prophecies.

Kieran Zeleskas, the Lunar Heir. (Gender Selectable. She/her. He/him.) RO The Crown Prince/ss of Celestyl. Though not of noble birth, events put into motion by their father have elevated them to this position, one they seem to have adapted to rather well by all appearances. Stoic and aloof, they seem less than pleased about this arrangement between the two of you. You’re inclined to agree

Alektis de Celestys, the lone princess. (She/her.) Non-RO The adoptive sister to Kieran. The slaughter of her family during the coup that brought Kieran’s father to power has rendered her irascible and hostile to most everyone. Though she mostly keeps to herself, with only her retainer, Nihm, for company, you often find her tumultuous glare trained on you, a complex look on her face you can’t quite decipher.

Nihm de Circené, the guardian. (They/them.) RO Devoted retainer to Alektis and last surviving member of House Circené. Kind and sociable, Nihm is well-regarded in both noble and commoner social circles alike. However, their warm and affable disposition cannot completely hide the apprehension in their gait, nor the trembling in their hands. Still, they do their best to welcome you in a place where everyone seems dead-set on hating you.

Aurynn Anouar, the retainer. (He/him.) RO Seeming to have appeared from out of nowhere, Aurynn rescued you from a dire situation during your first battle experience, and afterwards was appointed your retainer and has served you as such ever since. Charismatic, laidback, and flirtatious to a fault, Aurynn tends to either charm or annoy everyone he meets. Despite his insistence that he is an open book, sometimes you can’t help but feel the opposite; indeed, everything about him seems shrouded in secrecy

Samira Nahdiri, the priestess. (She/her.) RO Certain events left her family deeply shamed and nearly destitute until her exceptional accomplishments as a healer elevated her to the renowned position as your acolyte, drawing upon the power of your blood to learn healing magic in her pursuit to become a priestess. Strong, loyal, and compassionate, she is devoted to caring for her family above all else, and she counts you among them

Lilith/Lucien de Arcanis, the mage. (Gender Selectable. She/they. He/they.) RO The adopted heir to House Arcanis, a line of powerful and highly skilled mages. Wild-eyed with a wolfish grin, their peculiar and eccentric mannerisms tend to unsettle their peers, leaving them rather isolated in social circles—a circumstance which doesn’t seem to bother them one way or the other. For better or worse, it appears they’ve taken a rather intense interest in you.

Poly Routes (subject to change): Kieran/Aurynn, Samira/Aurynn, Lilith/Lucien/Aurynn, Kieran/Lilith/Lucien, Kieran/Samira, Samira/Lilith/Lucien.

This is my first time making an interactive twine game. I appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism you can give me so I can continue to improve my game/story! If I've missed any spelling/grammar mistakes or any bugs/errors, please let me know in the comments or message me on Tumblr.

Check out my Tumblr in the link at the top for character introductions, updates, and more!

Thank you for playing!!

Updated 13 days ago
Published 20 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(70 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsBoys' Love, Character Customization, Dark Fantasy, drama, LGBT, Otome, Romance, Twine, Yuri


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The beginning has me hooked. Special mention to the coding and music. It really add to the atmosphere.

Spoiler for first Farah appearance Wish MC could cry out that it was Parim tea set as soon as Farah broke the tea cup. Because one of mine would instinctively said it and then go to gather all of the pieces. While I could see another flatly/angrily declare it as they put away the rest to make sure Farah can't touch it. Or more stern/Dignified MC trying (and maybe falling) very hard to stay calm and tell Farah that this tea cup belonged to Parim and how it was made.

But of course I understand if Farah breaking it is necessary for plot reasons.

I think another option when trying to calm yourself down that be neat. MC asking themselves what would Parim do. Could end up working and increase dignified, gentle, straightforward stat maybe ? Or backfire as MC cry or get angry alternatively. Just an idea that seem appropriate.

I hope that if the tea set must be broken. That later we can repair it with gold with Farah helping. And then maybe put it on Parim tomb as a gift. Or better. MC take Farah with her to Parim tomb as well as the repaired tea set. So Farah can apologize and present it. And after both drink tea and talk with each other as well as Parim and the rest of their siblings.

Thanks so much for reading and thanks for your suggestions! I’ll keep them in mind. :) 💖

No problem ! I can’t wait to see where this goes. I checked the tumblr. And as someone on the aroace spectrum. Can I say how refreshing it is to have a world so accepting of us. Many IF creator do include us. (Some better then other unfortunately) But this time. Your world really give me the feeling that we don’t just exist. We are integrated into the world. And an inherent part of it. Seriously the worldbuilding is so queer that it made me think about why more writers didn’t think about veering away from the more typical idea we have of marriage in fantasy/historical WIP.

So I’m following this very closely !


Oh my stars. That was absolutely amazing. I am blown away by this demo. The prose, the characters, the setting and the customization options... top tier stuff. Sorry for gushing but wow I can't wait for more of this.


Thank you so much!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! 💕❤️ :D


I like what you have so far, can't wait  to see more!


Thank you and thanks so much for playing!! ❤️


It's so nice. I feel sad because of what happened to the mc's siblings, already feeling a lot of emotions while talking to Parim 💔...


the poor things...(i say like it's not me putting them through this)


Good job! just finished the demo, the story is getting more and more interesting, the mc is also highly customizable (which you have my thanks for), in any case I'm super excited to see further updates!


(  ̳• · • ̳)

/    づ♡    Thank you for playing and I’m glad you enjoyed it! :3


Man this is actually amazing 😍

(=^・ω・^=) thank you!


this game is so cool I definitely recommend it!:3

♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ


I love the demo, I'm really excited to see where the story goes ^w^

Thanks so much for playing!! :3


This was so good! I love your writing style, and I can't wait for more! :D


Thank you so much and thanks for playing!! :D


Loved the demo so much!  Cannot wait for more!


Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed it :D


There's only so much understanding i can have. Farah has went past that limit i swear that whole scene irked my nerves to hell and back.

But so far besides that it's been a great if.

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you for reading it!

Understandably a bad first impression for Farah, but she's very young and been struggling with a lot of things and immaturely acted out, but you'll have a chance to talk to her later. Hopefully that scene will help turn around that impression. :)

Thanks again!


Omg i loved this on so many levels!!!


Thanks so much for reading! Glad you liked it!